Hurricane Ian Relief Resources

September 28, 2022 changed the lives for many in a drastic way. The landfall of the catastrophic and devastating Hurricane Ian, left us asking why. But it also brings us the opportunity to help. Because of the impact of this storm, the full scope of the disaster is still being assessed but now is the time to take action.


Many friends and partners of Waypoint TV are among the millions affected by this storm. These include the homes and businesses of residents, anglers, charter captains, guides, and outfitters. These effects will be felt for years to come so we wanted to provide some resources for those who need assistance and for those who can help.


Our friends at Captains for Clean Water have set up several support systems for the affected communities and businesses:

Hurricane Ian Relief Fund - 100% of funds donated will go directly to providing supplies and operational support to the ongoing relief and recovery efforts, including support to the local guide community.


Sanibel Operation Support - Guides can keep their businesses operational while providing assistance to those in need. Local licensed guides can register here to provide service to the islands for residents and business owners.


Guide Directory - This is a CFCW-approved list and directory for potential guides participating in transport services to and from Sanibel.


Our friends at Bonefish & Tarpon Trust have created the Hurricane Ian Relief to aid guides and anglers, whose businesses were affected by this disaster and put them on a path to recover and rebuild.


WARF - Developed by the International Game & Fish Association, the Worldwide Angler Relief Fund accepts donations from the global recreational angling community and makes grants to local angling organizations and associations to speed recovery efforts and get captains, guides, mates and anglers back out on the water. - Filter by zip code to find the closest donation or volunteer centers in your area.


Red Cross - Included with ways to donate are resources for those who need help, financially and emotionally, and also safety tips for the future.


We encourage all Waypoint TV viewers, family, and friends, to donate, volunteer, and provide support if you're able. If you would like to offer additional methods to help in these relief efforts, please reach out to our Partner Marketing Coordinator, Kaitlyn Conti at



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CEO, Waypoint TV